S B -G M -S LV C N S L /1 0 W 3
S t e a lt h b o x ™
F it s 2 0 0 0 E x t e n d e d -C a b F u ll-S iz e G M P ic k u p Tr u c k s
a n d S u b u r b a n , Ta h o e , Y u k o n , Y u k o n X L S U V 's
Installation Guide:
This Stealthbox is a product which requires professional installation skills and tools. Please read this installa-
tion guide thoroughly before beginning the project. It will guide you step by step through the installation.
Several of the steps in this process may require two people to accomplish.
It is absolutely vital that the enclosure be properly mounted to the vehicle according to these instructions.
Failure to mount the enclosure properly presents two problems: 1 ) The sub-bass performance will suffer due
to the movement of the enclosure caused by the force exerted by the woofer and 2 ) A loose enclosure
presents a serious safety hazard in the event of a collision or sudden deceleration.
STEP 1 : Remove the front seats by removing the nuts and bolts
at the front and rear. A socket can be used if the proper Torx bit
is not available (1 1 mm in rear and 1 5 mm in front).
STEP 2 : Remove the cup holder tray in order to access the
mounting screws.
STEP 3 : Remove the mounting screws at the forward edge of the
console body.
S B -G M -S LV C N S L /1 0 W 3 -D 6 , J L A U D IO , In c 2 0 0 0
P a g e
S h e e t S K U # 0 1 1 1 4 2 R e v is io n 8 /1 5 /0 0
STEP 1 0 : Remove the internal storage tray.
STEP 1 1 : Pull the console body toward the rear in order to
release it from the duct work. Remove the console body from the
STEP 1 2 : Remove and discard the duct.
STEP 1 3 : Modify the internal storage tray by cutting around its
perimeter approximately 1 1 / 2 " below the upper lip.
S B -G M -S LV C N S L /1 0 W 3 -D 6 , J L A U D IO , In c 2 0 0 0
P a g e
S h e e t S K U # 0 1 1 1 4 2 R e v is io n 8 /1 5 /0 0
STEP 1 4 : Apply the supplied templates to the proper sides of the
console body (as indicated on the template). The templates show
where to cut the console body as well as where to drill two holes
through the console body. Drill and cut where indicated.
STEP 1 5 : Drill a 3 / 8 " hole through the stock mounting bracket
at each of the four locations indicated in Diagram # 1 .
Diagram #1
STEP 1 6 : Run speaker wire to the console area.
STEP 1 7 : Bolt the bracket to the bottom of the Stealthbox
(Ensure proper operation of the Stealthbox prior to mounting it to
the bracket).
S B -G M -S LV C N S L /1 0 W 3 -D 6 , J L A U D IO , In c 2 0 0 0
P a g e
S h e e t S K U # 0 1 1 1 4 2 R e v is io n 8 /1 5 /0 0
STEP 1 8 : Clip the section of the original storage tray rim in the
area shown in the picture and in Diagram # 2 . This will allow the
clasp to grasp the new pocket insert only (not both the console
body and the new insert).
Cut Here
Diagram #2
STEP 1 9 : Install the original tray (modified in steps 1 3 and 1 8 )
with the new provided insert.
STEP 2 0 : Connect the speaker wire to the Stealthbox. Mount
the bracket/ Stealthbox into the vehicle.
S B -G M -S LV C N S L /1 0 W 3 -D 6 , J L A U D IO , In c 2 0 0 0
P a g e
S h e e t S K U # 0 1 1 1 4 2 R e v is io n 8 /1 5 /0 0
STEP 2 1 : Place the console body over the Stealthbox.
STEP 2 2 : Secure the body with the OEM screws into the dash
STEP 2 3 : Drill 7 / 6 4 " holes into the Stealthbox at the four
locations of the holes drilled into the console body.
STEP 2 4 : Secure the console body to the Stealthbox through
these holes with the supplied screws.
This com plet es t he ins t a lla t ion.
Specifications :
Supplied Hardware:
Enclos ur e Type: Acoustic Suspension (Sealed)
Driver Type: J L AUDIO 1 0 W 3 -D6 Subwoofer
Cont. Power Handling: 2 5 0 Watts
Nominal Impedance: 3 Ω
(4) 1/4" X 2" Bolts
(4) 1/4" Washers
(4) #8 Flat Head Screws
(4) 1/4" Lock Washers
(1) Console Insert
1 0 3 6 9 N. Commerce Pkwy, Miramar, Florida 3 3 0 2 5 -3 9 2 1 Voice: (9 5 4 ) 4 4 3 -1 1 0 0 Fax: (9 5 4 ) 4 4 3 -1 1 1 1
S B -G M -S LV C N S L /1 0 W 3 -D 6 , J L A U D IO , In c 2 0 0 0
P a g e
S h e e t S K U # 0 1 1 1 4 2 R e v is io n 8 /1 5 /0 0
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